Legacy code is typically an older or outdated software code that is extremely difficult to update and maintain. This code is often referred to as a code that was written many years ago and has since been fixed, modified, and extended into different developments. The legacy code is transformed into a complex codebase which is what makes it so difficult to modify.

Legacy code is often seen as a liability because it has the potential to be time consuming and expensive to maintain. Regardless of these factors, it is also a valuable asset as it represents years of meticulous development and contains crucial business logic and knowledge. Organizations who master the balance between the need to maintain and update the legacy code with the need to deliver new features and functionality, will prove that it is in fact an asset.

Reasons Why Legacy Code Exists

● Software that was written so long ago may be considered legacy code if there has been no updates or maintenance for a long period of time.

● Legacy code can lead to the accumulation of technical debt, which makes it difficult for long term situations. Developers prioritize delivering new features quickly over writing clean codes.

● The code can be made obsolete due to changes in technology. Legacy code can be challenging and costly to update rather than using modernized technologies of used incorrectly.

● Mergers, acquisitions, or layoffs are changes in the organization which result in the loss of developers most familiar with the codebase.

Legacy Code Negatives

Legacy code has a reputation of being seen as a total liability in the grand scheme of things. There are numerous reasons as to why legacy code has a negative impact on organizations. See some below:

Complexity – Legacy code becomes complex over time making it difficult to understand for new developers coming in. Different coding styles act as puzzle pieces in the grand scheme of legacy code. Legacy code undergoes numerous changes, and which makes it complex to follow.

Lack of Documentation – Legacy code causes difficulties when interacting with other system components due to the lack of proper documentation.

Vulnerable Security – When legacy code is written, there could be unknown issues from the time of creation to present day scenarios. Because of this, legacy code is susceptible to attacks by hackers.

Issues with Compatibility – Newer technologies cause difficulties when pairing with legacy code. Integrating with other systems that are more modernized than the legacy code is less likely to be compatible.

High Maintenance Cost – Maintaining legacy code is more expensive than maintain a new code. Legacy code dedicates more time when fixing issues or creating additional

Functionality Limitations – Modern systems have more functionality than the legacy code does. These limitations cause issues with its usefulness in today’s technology landscape.

Legacy Code

An inevitable part of software development is legacy code. Working with this can be overwhelming and intimidating at times however it should not be overlooked because
legacy code is a valuable asset to an organization. With willingness to learn and patience, developers can help an organization achieve their long-term goals through successful navigation and improvements to legacy code. Growing with legacy code creates a lasting impact on the software that you maintain. This maintenance will continue to leave a beneficial legacy for future generation developers to further build upon. Building upon legacy code and continuing to develop new software that meets the demanding need for change in businesses is the perfect balance to success.

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