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Microbots & Illnesses

Microbots are tiny machines that can be as small as a few micro centimeters or even smaller. These task designed robots are useful for performance of multiple different yet specific tasks. A revolutionary change has been made due to the development of these microbots. A promising application that microbots utilize in their development is the treatment of illnesses. Microbots have the ability to deliver necessary drugs to specific areas of the body which overall reduces the amount of medication needed to minimize side effects.

For example, when treating cancer microbots are designed to directly target the cancerous cells delivering chemotherapy drugs to the tumor without harming any of the healthy tissue. This targeted approach leads to more effective treatments and more satisfactory outcomes for patients.

Benefits of Microbots

Microbots can also be used to diagnose illnesses. Microbots can be programmed to detect specific markers of diseases in the body like proteins or genetic material which makes this information available to doctors for further analysis. These microbots can be used to monitor patients in addition to the diagnosis and treatments. They can be designed to continuously monitor vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. Changes in patient care can now be detected in a patient’s condition before serious precautions need to be in place. Because of these techniques, there is opportunity to have earlier and more accurate diagnoses which can reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes. Microbots can also be used in the field of regenerative medicine. Microbots can be used to help repair damaged tissue at the cellular level, promoting healing and reducing permanent issues. For example, microbots can be designed to deliver stem cells to damaged tissue, promoting regeneration and repair.

Risk of Microbots

Although microbots provide many potential benefits, they raise an eye to ethical and safety concerns. There is difficulty controlling these tiny machines once they are inside
the body. If these microbots were to malfunction or cause damage to the healthy tissue, there is a risk of unintended consequences. If microbots are released into the environment and begin to interact with other organisms’ potential risk will spark.

Revolutionizing Healthcare

Microbots have the potential to take over the healthcare industry by providing targeted, personalized treatments for wide varieties of illnesses. With further research and
development, microbots will be ensured to be just as effective as they are safe. As the study of microbots evolves, it will be crucial to consider the ethical and safety implications of this technology for the future.

Check out our website for more information to help gain an even better understanding of what we do. Our website also includes endless amounts of successful projects and where our clients come from. On our website you will also have access to information on the members of our team. We are also active on social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter providing more detail on what our goals are for the clients we work with. Let us help turn prospects into customers through awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty.

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Website ADA Compliance

The digital world has taken over and become an essential part of our daily lives. Consumers of technology use websites for work, information, socialization, etc. With that being said, not everyone has the same level of access to the internet. Consumers of different natures may face barriers when using websites. Issues like these can be with navigation, accessing proper sites, or fully understanding the content. These issues are where ADA compliance comes in as a useful tool.

The American with Disabilities Act, or ADA, is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people who face disabilities in all areas of public life. The ADA has been extended to cover websites, requiring them to be accessible to people with disabilities. ADA compliance is not currently a legal requirement for private businesses or organizations; however, many companies chose to make their websites accessible. The accessibility of your website is important for providing equal access to all users and avoiding any discrimination.

What Does ADA Compliance for Websites Entail?

Designing content for a website needs to be done so in a way that people who have disabilities can understand with ease. There are assistive technologies that can be used to formulate the structure of your website and its accessibility.

How Do You Make Your Website ADA Compliant?

Alternative Text for Images – People who have issues with vision may use screen readers to access website content. Images need to be made accessible by providing alternative text that describes the content and functionality of the image. This option allows users to understand what the image is conveying if they have difficulties seeing it themselves.

Closed Captioning – Closed captioning is such an important and useful tool when dealing with video content. Videos should include closed captioning options to enable people that are hearing impaired. Captions must be accurate and synchronized with the video and existing audio with the addition of descriptions and or relevant sounds.

Descriptive Headings & Labels – Headings and labels are essential to the content that they are provided with. They should be descriptive and useful to the content in order to make it more fluid. These help users with cognitive disabilities navigate more efficiently and have a better understanding of the content structure.

Keyboard Navigation – Users may have various disabilities that are not as common including issues with navigating their mouse or touchpad. It is important to ensure that all site functions can be accessed from the keyboard. Properly installing links and drop-down menus need to be opened and closed by keys.

Color Contrast – Visually impaired people may have difficulties distinguishing between colors. With that being said, the contrast between content colors and background colors needs to be sufficient.

Recommended to Make Your Website ADA Compliant

Having an ADA Compliant website requires ongoing attention to detail and long-term effort. The benefits to doing this provides equal access to all users and helps improve the usability and user experience of your website. These fixes are the most effective way to make sure your website is accessible for everyone to enjoy. It may not be legally required now, but it very well could be one day!

Check out our website for more information to help gain an even better understanding of what we do. Our website also includes endless amounts of successful projects and where our clients come from. On our website you will also have access to information on the members of our team. We are also active on social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter providing more detail on what our goals are for the clients we work with. Let us help turn prospects into customers through awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty.

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404 Error – Yikes!

Have you ever clicked on a link or typed in a URL only to be greeted by a page that tells you the content you’re looking for is unavailable? Also known as the most frustrating thing ever. You guessed it, this issue is a 404 Error, and a lot of people experience these errors, not just you. A 404 Error is one of the most common error messages you can encounter online. Whether you are a website developer or a casual internet user, understanding 404 errors can help you navigate the internet with more ease and confidence.


A 404 Error is an HTTP status code that indicates that the server could not find the page or resource that you are requesting. The content that you are actively looking for is either no longer available, has been moved to a new location, or never existed in the first place.


● The URL was mistyped or entered incorrectly
● The server is down or experiencing technical difficulties
● The website has been redesigned
● The content has been moved to a new location
● The page or resource was removed or deleted
● The server never existed


Double check the URL – URL’s can be tricky, and it is easy for them to be mistyped due to their awkward nature. Go slowly to make sure you have not skipped any letters, numbers, or symbols. If you clicked a link directly, try copying and pasting the URL into your browser instead.

Use a search engine – Running a search engine check is a great way to quickly fix this issue because if the content you are looking for has been moved to a new location, this is how you will find it. Quick search engines can be run on whatever platform engine you prefer.

Contact the website owner – If you think that the content you are looking for should be available, but you are still receiving the 404 error, contact the owner pf the website. Usually, a website owner or administrator will be available for help, and they will then be made aware of this issue to help others.

Try again later – If the server is experiencing technical difficulties this could be a temporary issue. Technical difficulties can often be resolved by themselves with time. Wait a few minutes or hours before trying to access the content again.


404 errors are everybody’s least favorite surprise when trying to access something. This common occurrence on the web brings defeat but there are ways to figure out why it is happening and how you can attempt to fix it. 404 errors do not mean that it is the end of the road. Be proactive and power through that roadblock. Website developers need to understand the importance of ensuring their website is free of 404 errors to provide the best possible experience for all users. The next time you experience a 404 error as a casual internet user, no need to panic. You are a pro now and have countless solutions to fix your problem.

Check out our website for more information to help gain an even better understanding of what we do. Our website also includes endless amounts of successful projects and where our clients come from. On our website you will also have access to information on the members of our team. We are also active on social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter providing more detail on what our goals are for the clients we work with. Let us help turn prospects into customers through awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty.

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Social Media Importance

Social media is a game changing factor that has slowly taken over the world as we know it. Today’s digital age has created excessive opportunities and usefulness for social media to be integrated into our lives. Social media is essential for everyone regardless of age, profession, or personal interests.

Although we are constantly reminded of the downfalls that come with being a social media user, it is important to look at the positives as well. There are countless reasons as to why you would benefit from being a social media user.

Benefits of Social Media

Staying connected with friends and family – The most important and significant benefit of social media is that it gives us the ability to connect with our friends and family. Regardless of where you are in the world or how far you are separated, social media can connect you. The different social media platforms allow us to share life updates, message one another, or even video chats. These platforms allow you to maintain the relationships you have now and even give you a chance to build new ones.

Build a professional network – Personal connections are so beneficial however social media can also be used as a tool for creating and building a professional network. Because of the evolution of social media, social networking has become a huge part of ongoing work relationships. Specific social media platforms allow us to connect with potential employees, industry leaders, or existing colleagues which creates opportunity for career growth. The ability to build your professional network depends on how engaged you are on these platforms showcasing your expertise and skill set.

Promotion of organizations – Social media is now one of the most effective and useful marketing tools. Social media is powerful in the way it can be used by business owners and brands to drive sales and reach new audiences. By actively using social media as a promotional tactic your analytics will show exactly what you should and should not be doing. Creating engaging content, running targeted advertisements, and building a strong social media presence and following will help your organization. Using this marketing tool also allows organizations to connect with their audience on a more personal level.

Expanding personal interests – The different social media platforms give us countless opportunities to branch out of our comfort zone and explore new likes and interests. Social media is a connection tool that can help connect you to people with similar interests and help you to discover new things.

Stay educated and informed – Social media can help its users to stay connected with current events, trends, and important issues. Our perspectives can be broadened by the new sources and stay up to date on latest developments.

Social Media is Essential

Social media has become an essential part of modern communication deeming its importance through every step of the way. Social media has revolutionized the way we interact with one another bridging the gaps between individuals. The creation of new opportunities, marketing, and entertainment are forever changed.

Social media has also given users the confidence to express themselves sharing their ideas and perspectives with their audience. Social media is a critical part of today’s society because of the role it plays in spreading important information from businesses to social changes. Social media will continue to grow in ways that will furthermore provide extensive benefits for its users.

Check out our website for more information to help gain an even better understanding of what we do. Our website also includes endless amounts of successful projects and where our clients come from. On our website you will also have access to information on the members of our team. We are also active on social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter providing more detail on what our goals are for the clients we work with. Let us help turn prospects into customers through awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty.

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Legacy Code

Legacy code is typically an older or outdated software code that is extremely difficult to update and maintain. This code is often referred to as a code that was written many years ago and has since been fixed, modified, and extended into different developments. The legacy code is transformed into a complex codebase which is what makes it so difficult to modify.

Legacy code is often seen as a liability because it has the potential to be time consuming and expensive to maintain. Regardless of these factors, it is also a valuable asset as it represents years of meticulous development and contains crucial business logic and knowledge. Organizations who master the balance between the need to maintain and update the legacy code with the need to deliver new features and functionality, will prove that it is in fact an asset.

Reasons Why Legacy Code Exists

● Software that was written so long ago may be considered legacy code if there has been no updates or maintenance for a long period of time.

● Legacy code can lead to the accumulation of technical debt, which makes it difficult for long term situations. Developers prioritize delivering new features quickly over writing clean codes.

● The code can be made obsolete due to changes in technology. Legacy code can be challenging and costly to update rather than using modernized technologies of used incorrectly.

● Mergers, acquisitions, or layoffs are changes in the organization which result in the loss of developers most familiar with the codebase.

Legacy Code Negatives

Legacy code has a reputation of being seen as a total liability in the grand scheme of things. There are numerous reasons as to why legacy code has a negative impact on organizations. See some below:

Complexity – Legacy code becomes complex over time making it difficult to understand for new developers coming in. Different coding styles act as puzzle pieces in the grand scheme of legacy code. Legacy code undergoes numerous changes, and which makes it complex to follow.

Lack of Documentation – Legacy code causes difficulties when interacting with other system components due to the lack of proper documentation.

Vulnerable Security – When legacy code is written, there could be unknown issues from the time of creation to present day scenarios. Because of this, legacy code is susceptible to attacks by hackers.

Issues with Compatibility – Newer technologies cause difficulties when pairing with legacy code. Integrating with other systems that are more modernized than the legacy code is less likely to be compatible.

High Maintenance Cost – Maintaining legacy code is more expensive than maintain a new code. Legacy code dedicates more time when fixing issues or creating additional

Functionality Limitations – Modern systems have more functionality than the legacy code does. These limitations cause issues with its usefulness in today’s technology landscape.

Legacy Code

An inevitable part of software development is legacy code. Working with this can be overwhelming and intimidating at times however it should not be overlooked because
legacy code is a valuable asset to an organization. With willingness to learn and patience, developers can help an organization achieve their long-term goals through successful navigation and improvements to legacy code. Growing with legacy code creates a lasting impact on the software that you maintain. This maintenance will continue to leave a beneficial legacy for future generation developers to further build upon. Building upon legacy code and continuing to develop new software that meets the demanding need for change in businesses is the perfect balance to success.

Check out our website for more information to help gain an even better understanding of what we do. Our website also includes endless amounts of successful projects and where our clients come from. On our website you will also have access to information on the members of our team. We are also active on social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter providing more detail on what our goals are for the clients we work with. Let us help turn prospects into customers through awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty.

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